Be Still


Be Still


Be Still is a gathering of women that started with a group of friends just really desiring more opportunities to hear and listen for the voice God during the middle of their crazy lives.

The first ‘Be Still’ meeting was held in a home in Huntsville and there was such a passion and movement of the Spirit that it just kept going! It is simple…we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the WORD of our testimonies! It is simply a way for women to share their story and for others to find freedom by hearing Jesus speak words of life over their lives and into their circumstance.

Be Stills are now held all over the Southeast, and there will be one in Huntsville this Thursday night! Rachel Faulkner Brown, who spoke at the first Be Still, will be making a special visit with two of her precious friends who have beautiful stories to share.

Please come and invite a friend who needs Jesus to be so real that she could reach out and touch Him…because He is! These stories are so powerful!  It’s a perfect night for a fresh touch from the ONE and ONLY.

The month of May is crazy!  Even more reason to come breathe in His presence. Get away from the noise and come hear amazing testimonies of overcoming cancer and infidelity, and the power of being a new creation in Christ.

Be Still! Where the Spirit of The Lord is..there truly is freedom!

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