Ministry God Stories: Choose Life


Ministry God Stories: Choose Life


   Ultrasound Ministry


Susan had a positive pregnancy test. While she was not surprised, she was not really happy either. She had children by an abusive man in another state. She had come to Huntsville to be near family. Although she didn’t have a cordial relationship with them, it was better than life where she was.

The day she came for counseling, she watched one of our evangelistic videos and said that it was the first time she’d heard the Good News of a new life in Christ. Her counselor explained our common past of sin, the free gift of salvation, and the hope of eternal life in heaven. Susan admitted she was a sinner and that she wanted forgiveness for her sins. She seemed very sincere as she prayed the sinner’s prayer.

She was still burdened, however, about her pregnancy. The father of her children had threatened to take them away from her if she were to be pregnant. She didn’t believe in abortion and wanted to keep the baby. Her present boyfriend attended an evangelical church, and she had visited once with him. Her counselor encouraged her to tell both her boyfriend and the pastor of her recent decision for Christ, and she did.

The church enrolled her in classes that same week, and she returned to Choose Life the next week for an ultrasound with a glowing face. She said, “I told the pastor and attended classes, and I learned so much that I never knew before, like:

God made me special, and He loves me.

I don’t have to accept domestic violence as normal.

Jesus died for me and forgave my sins.

I must teach my children what I learned.

I’m not a no-body; I’m special and I’m working on my self-esteem.

When someone puts me down, I don’t believe what they say. I am a different person now.

I know others who are like I was, and I have invited them to church.”

She’s reading the Bible and devotional book that we gave her, and she has found that problems don’t seem so burdensome anymore. She has a Friend who loves and cares for her and her children. She repeated how happy she is many times, and she is amazed herself at the change in her life. Her counselor explained, “You’ll never know the joy and peace of sins forgiven until you’ve experienced it yourself. And now you know!”

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