New Thinking: Sandra Rymer



Sandra Rymer

Sandra Rymer, is a Huntsville native who loves Bible study and ministering with and for women. She and her husband, Blake, have been in full-time ministry since 1977, serving in Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, Budapest, Hungary, and now back in Huntsville with Grace Link International, a counseling and training ministry. They have three wonderful daughters, three fantastic sons-in-law and eight fabulous grandchildren. Sandra also loves reading, sewing, and traveling.  Her “calling” is praying with women encouraging them to hear from Jesus as He dispels lies and gently and lovingly gives truth. She is a member at Rivertree Church and works part time in the office.

New Thinking

For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. (Colossians 1:27)

Even though I became a Christian when I was 27 and was totally “sold out”, it took another 10 years to finally come to the realization that I had been living much of my Christian life in my own strength – what the Bible says in Romans 8:4-9 is living after the flesh.

It wasn’t until I finally came to a crisis point and “gave up” that Jesus was finally able to teach me what it meant to live in the Spirit.

And where it started, of course, was in my mind. So much of what went on in my mind is what I’ve heard described as stinkin’ thinkin’. I believed so many lies! I wasn’t loved, I wasn’t important, I wasn’t a good mom, I was a failure as a wife. All lies. And there were plenty more. I can’t do anything right, I’m selfish, I’m lazy, I’m a snob, I’m afraid of failure, of being rejected, of being “uncool”. The list goes on. And because I was on such a performance treadmill, I was constantly evaluating others. Either they were so much better than I (which led to my feeling like a failure), or so much worse (which led to my being self-righteous).

Fortunately, God answered my prayer for help. He led me to a conference on grace. I began to learn who I really am. I’m redeemed, forgiven, holy, righteous. Before, those were just words that I believed would describe the new me when I got to heaven. Now I began to really know the truth. It’s true about me now. I have all the patience I need. I don’t need to keep begging God for it – it’s mine in Christ. I am compassionate, loving, hard working, joyful, forgiving, generous, friendly and accepting. The list kept expanding.

It wasn’t easy to believe all that Jesus said was true about me. It took faith. I used to think faith was me working up enough of it to get God to do what I wanted Him to do. Now, I began to understand that faith is living like what God says is true. If He says I’m acceptable, loved, forgiven, and holy then I, by faith, am going to believe it.

I began to think differently. When I was tempted to be selfish, I began thinking, “Is Jesus selfish? No! And neither am I, because I’m in Him and He’s in me.”  That thought process began transforming my behavior. I was able to forgive more quickly (since Jesus is a forgiver, so am I), I became more generous (since Jesus is generous, so am I), I feared less (Is Jesus afraid? No, then I don’t have to be either).

I once asked Jesus what He thought of me. I received quite a long list. This is what He said. “You’re valuable, precious, full of wonder, funny, pretty, smart, lovable, competent, lovely, adorable, capable, desirable, fun-loving, honest, friendly, talented, gentle, compassionate, peaceable, wise, discerning, generous, teachable, conscientious, clean, creative, obedient, willing, righteous, patient, happy, joyful, stable, attentive, yourself, hopeful, restful, persistent, trusting and trustworthy.”  If that’s what Jesus believes about me, who am I to think differently?

I’m new and so are you – if you’re a believer. Start believing it!



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