Too Afraid to Start by Toya Poplar



Toya Angel Wings

Too Afraid to Start

by Toya Poplar

Do you have a love affair with alliteration? Do well woven words woo you? Do you read people’s posts or poetry and think to yourself, “I wish I had what it takes to do that?” Guess what? YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! The only difference between you and that person is they gave themselves permission to write and you did not.  Don’t you think it’s time to stop burying your talent? God has entrusted you with a treasure to share with mankind. Daily, you allow fear to prevent  from impacting the kingdom. Maybe you fear that no one will read what you write. You are 100 percent correct! NO ONE WILL EVER READ YOUR WORDS IF YOU NEVER WRITE YOUR WORDS. Our worst fears have a weird way of coming upon us when we withhold something that could bring God glory.

In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus drops some parabolic wisdom on His disciples. He tells them that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who leaves for a long journey. Before he leaves he invests in his servants according to their ability. Two of the servants DO WELL and the other servant allows fear to convince him to DO NOTHING. Naturally the landowner rewards the two servants who do well and punishes the servant who does nothing. The parable says that the servants who did something got to share in the landowner’s joy. Have you ever noticed how people who are operating in their purpose seem to have an unspeakable joy? If you have a talent for something and do nothing with it, you are punishing yourself. If you find it difficult to celebrate someone else who is investing their talent; grab a shovel and start digging up the dream you decided to defer. The landowner considered the servant that buried his talent wicked and lazy and cast him into outer darkness. Darkness is depressing but I’m here to shed some light.

Flower in bloom

DON’T BE DISCOURAGED.  The Devil’s desire is to distract you.  Though your dream is delayed, it is definitely not denied.  Do you hear that sound? It’s a song of deliverance. God rejoices over you with singing and quiets you with His love. When all hope seems lost, start looking to the hills. Your help comes from Heaven and Heaven’s hope will not fail. You are closer than you think. Keep moving forward. Though you feel forgotten, you are still the apple of His eye. When your heart has shattered into a thousand tiny pieces is when God is most near, though He feels so far away. Cling to the truth when fear is all you feel. Close your eyes to life’s lies and TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH.

I pray that this post inspires you to DO SOMETHING WELL so that you can someday hear WELL DONE. Remember, God gives to us according to our own ability. If you have creative insight and spiritual wisdom more will be given. If you are fearful and choose to not invest your gift, what you have will be taken away. (Matthew 25:29) Think about that one thing that burns deep within your soul. Remember the one who risked the most received the most. The one who did not risk anything did not receive anything. Will you allow fear to torment you into a place of paralysis or will you allow love to lead you into taking a leap of faith?

Stop Write There Write Now Journal

“Too Afraid to Start”

Words flow through your mind, time after time.
Sometimes they even rhyme, line after line.
You are a poet, but you don’t know it. 
You have a gift, but you won’t show it.
You are a potter holding clay, whose too afraid to mold it. 
Is it the news headline that diverted your attention?
Are you waiting for someone to give you special recognition?
When you sit still to write do you want to go to sleep?
Does Social Media beckon you to take just one last peek?
Is your room a reflection of the clutter in your mind?
…Now you’re washing clothes instead of writing rhymes.
Does your stomach start to growl when you grab your pen to write?
Do you throw in the towel and say, “it’s just not worth the fight”?
Do you decide before beginning, “this must be writer’s block”?
You haven’t even started yet you feel it’s time to stop.
These things are comical when you read them on a page. 
But there is nothing funny about being stuck at this stage.
Words are like treasure that you get to give away.
As a writer you articulate words people wish that they could say.
God gave you a gift so that you could speak His heart.
How will you hear “well done” if you are too afraid to start? 


Toya Flower Black and White

Toya is a native of Muskegon, Michigan. She is a public speaker, blogger, poet and paradigm shifter who is passionately in love with the Lover of her Soul. Married to her high school sweetheart, Melvin together they are the proud parents of 6 children. Toya is the author of the book Stop Write There .


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