Prayers for Our City: June 22, 2020 – Prayer against racism


“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19-20 NIV

Lord, from our schools, businesses, and churches being shut down and months in quarantine to nationwide protests against racism and injustice, 2020 has not been what any of us expected. So many are feeling the weight of fear, anger, and discrimination. And no one is certain what life will be like in the months ahead.

But one thing we know in this time of crisis: we need You, Jesus! Above all else, we need your presence amidst the pain, Your wisdom amidst the uncertainty, and Your healing in our city and nation. Jesus, we choose to look to You, our hope of glory (Col. 1:27); the glory and the lifter of my head. (Ps.3:3). Use us as Your “hope solutionists” here in Huntsville/Madison County.

Kneeling in silence for 8 minutes 46 seconds at Big Spring Park prayer gathering 6/11/20

Thank You, Father, for the gathering of the Body of Christ to pray with city pastors at Big Spring Park (June 11) even as protestors were marching and others were presenting their grievances before the City Council. We praise You that our pastors want to come together in unity and work toward needed changes. [150 local pastors attended the first lunch gathering discussion June 15.] May they bring the message of hope, accompanied by a call to loving action, that brings about the justice and righteousness that our city/nation is crying out for.

This week as we pray for restoration of hope, we remember Scripture tells us that hope is … a door (Hosea 2:15), an anchor (Hebrews 6:19), a helmet (1 Thes. 5:8), and a Person (1 Tim. 1:1)! With hope and Your power, Father, we can confront the dark forces causing chaos, disunity, and despair as we walk in the opposite spirit to demonstrate how love conquers all!

Prayer concerning racism taken from Give Him 15 devotional by Dutch Sheets 6/17/2020:

I pray against racism in this nation, wherever it comes from and regardless of to whom it goes. It is a spirit. It’s a principality. It is a part of the kingdom of darkness that wants to steal, kill and destroy. Help us in this season to pull down this giant. Whether it’s against the Jew, the Black man, the Latine, the Asian or the White man, or anyone else, I prayer against it. I pray that You help us through this season to dethrone this spirit over this nation and elsewhere.

Give us wisdom to do that. Give us angelic help to do this. Send angels to deal with the anger that exists now. Let them bring Your peace. You have messenger angels to help people to hear and understand one another. Lord, give us voices that can address this issue. Let these voices carry compassion and express the desire to gain understanding. Bring us leaders that are able to bring healing and bring wisdom and stategy for change. I know You have these people ready, Lord. Bring them forward now. Give them favor and make their voices heard in the land. These are Your peacemakers. It is time for them to come forth in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“I leave the gift of peace with you — My peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but My perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts — instead, be courageous!” John 14:27 TPT


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