“Never to be Seen Again” by Kelly Mize


Never to be Seen Again…

By Kelly Wilson Mize

The triumphant music builds as a beautiful, wind-blown heroine confidently emerges from the shadows. Her flawless face, bouncy hair, and bold steps (enhanced by slow-motion), are evidence that she is finally free from what once sought to destroy her. The heart-wrenching nightmare is over and a glorious new day has begun…

Don’t you love a movie with a happy ending? It inspires us–making us believe, if only for a moment, that in this life it is truly possible to arrive at a place where bad things can no longer touch us.

The Israelites longed for a moment like that, and experienced areal-life one in Exodus 14. After Pharaoh, at long last, had finally freed them from centuries of slavery in Egypt (plot twist!)…he changed his mind. 

The newly released Hebrews were suddenly being pursued by more than 600 chariots! Things were looking pretty hopeless, and the people were incredibly discouraged. They cried out to their leader, Moses, in desperation, concluding that even slavery had been better than the dire situation they found themselves in. Moses responded in verses 13-14 with a welcome message from the Lord:

 “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Wow! The news was better than the Israelites could have ever imagined. Their outlook quickly improved as God Himself provided a miraculous escape. In the well-known passage, God parted the Red Sea, and the people were allowed to walk through on dry land while their Egyptian captors were crushed beneath the waves when they tried to follow.  The enemy was defeated. Those enemiesGod promised, would:

Never. Be. Seen. Again.

Thankfully, most of us will probably never be chased by a multitude of chariots (whew!), but there are most definitely things in our lives that we would love to escape. 

Are you up against something right now that seems impossible? Something you’d like to be immediately delivered from? Something you’d like to never see again? Maybe it’s a dreaded college class, the cruelty of a family member, a job you hate, or a devastating diagnosis. Most of us have something (or more than one thing!) that holds us back from being what God wants us to be.

Have you ever said a prayer that sounded something like this?

Please God, just make it go away.

God may not choose to take it away like He did for the Israelites, but He is the only one who has the power to change a hopeless situationOr sometimes more importantly, He can change our perception of the things that torment us.

Like the Israelites, if we stand firm in God’s presence, we are safe in His protection. In a crazy, loud, chaotic world, we need only be still. Still enough to hear His voice.

The point at which the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea would have made a great happy-ending final scene for the Israelitesfull of inspiration and hope. But the adventure wasn’t over. The Bible details further obstacles and future circumstances that would steal joy, crush hope, and cause the Israelites to doubt their faith at every turnEven though there would ultimately be victory for their ancestors upon entering the Promised Land, the journey would not be free of struggle. Such is life. There will be moments and seasons of victory, but in this worldwe know trouble is inevitable. 

But that inspiring final scene of the movie is coming. Can you picture it? The music is  playing, and the heroine confidently strides through the bright sunshine in slow motion, smiling and free. Her face is lifted upward toward the clear blue sky, looking adoringly to the One who has allowed her to overcome. She is amazed at what she has been brought through, and grateful to her omnipotent rescuer. She knows that the difficulty is finally behind her, never to be seen again. 

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to that happy ending with great hope and expectation. Because the heroine? Watch closely. She looks a whole lot like you and me

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NLT)


About the Author ~ Kelly Wilson Mize

Kelly Wilson Mize considers it a personal, God-given mission to encourage others with words. She is a wife, mother of two teenagers, librarian at Westminster Christian Academy, and freelance writer who has lived in the Huntsville area for over twenty years.  Kelly has a master’s degree in elementary education, and over a decade of teaching experience in both private and public schools. She also has a variety of published writing experience including numerous articles and interviews, various curriculum projects, hundreds of devotions for both children and adults, and contributions to six books. Kelly’s credits include LifeWay Christian Resources, Focus on the Family, Adams Media, and Group Publishing. Visit Kelly’s author page: Follow her on Twitter @kellywilsonmize.



  1. Sara Moon February 18, 2018 at 4:33 am

    Thank you, Kelly, for the encouragement! Always look forward to reading your writings! God has blessed you with a wonderful talent!!!

    • Kelly Wilson Mize February 19, 2018 at 9:39 pm

      Thank you so much. I am blessed by your Godly wisdom and encouraging words! ❤️


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