Prayers for Our City: July 9, 2018 – Protection For All


“Seek the peace of the city…and pray to the Lord for it;
for in its peace you will have peace.” Jeremiah 29:7 NKJV

Protests and marches that the national news highlights in our big cities are very often duplicated on a smaller scale here in Huntsville/Madison County. Irregardless of the issue and which side of it you may stand, it is our responsibility and privilege as believers in Jesus to pray for peace, civility, freedom of speech, and protection of our citizens and their property.

Just last week at a “Families Belong Together” immigration protest rally in Big Spring Park, an anti-protester got into an altercation with a participant and pulled out a gun causing panic in the crowd. Even though no shots were fired and no one was injured, this could have easily escalated into a shooting spree. Our incident caught the attention of the Washington Post. Read about it here.

Since we don’t always hear of these protests and marches beforehand, let us be proactive and vigilant in covering our city with the shalom and protection of the Lord. And it’s not even about individuals who end up doing crazy, violent things, but the spirit of evil agitating and influencing them. We remember Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 6:10-18 to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might by covering ourselves with the armor of God in order to stand against the strategies of the devil. And in II Corinthians 10:3-4 again Paul says we are waging spiritual warfare with spiritual weapons that are mighty through God.

Here are three good prayers/resources for protection from evil:

If you’re not convinced of the effectiveness of our prayers to thwart spiritual evil, read this testimony of a former satanist sharing how he could not carry out a mission because of praying Christians.

Lord, we want to take our place on the wall and guard Huntsville/Madison County for your glory. We declare that your kingdom plans and purposes will be fulfilled and that the enemy will not have his way on our watch.


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