“Stop Wrestling and Start Resting” by Toya Poplar


Creativity is so comprehensive.  It is actually at work even when we are at rest. For example, the words you are currently reading came to me while I was asleep. Today is my writing day and I must’ve fallen asleep pondering what to write about because the opening line of this post woke me out of my sleep.

The content for every speaking engagement I’ve had thus far in 2017 came to me in my sleep. Ideas swim through my brain during the day but they come together when I rest. Words and witty thoughts await me when I wake. The first few moments of my morning is saturated in sheer creative genius.

Have you ever received an answer to something in your sleep? When we dream we enter an alternative state of consciousness, a time in which God can truly speak. Or, perhaps I should say a time in which we can tune into His still small voice.

Do you have a current problem that you’ve been wrestling with? Maybe it’s time you stopped wrestling and started resting. The way God communicated with people most often in the bible was through dreams.

Upon discovering that I hear God most clearly while resting I began to labor to enter into His rest. What I noticed is that I can accomplish far more in the first few moments of the day than I can by staying up all night long.


How to Make Rest Work for You

1. Grab a journal,  flashlight and put it next to your bed.

2. Ponder the problem prior to going to sleep.

3. Pray and ask God to speak pertaining to the problem.

4. During the waking moments, be very still and try to recall your dream.

5. Write down what you recollect.

Try it. What do you have to lose?


It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?

Psalm 127:2 MSG

In a dream, for instance, a vision at night, when men and women are deep in sleep, fast asleep in their beds-God opens their ears to impress them with warnings to turn them back from something bad they’re planning, from some reckless choice, and keep them from an early grave, from the river of no return. 

Job 33:15-18

Written by~Toya Poplar

Toya is an author, speaker, and poet, who was created to create and dedicates her life to helping others do the same. Married to her high school sweetheart, Melvin together they are the proud parents of 6 children. Toya is the author of the interactive journal Stop Write There .



  1. Mary Anne May 20, 2017 at 8:13 am

    Wow! Thank you for sharing this! It really spoke to me where I am in this busy season of life!

    • Toya June 5, 2017 at 4:05 pm

      Praise the Lord! I’m glad to hear that. So nice to know we can cease from our labor and enter into His rest.


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