“True Independence – Be Free” by Joanna Jones




by Joanna Jones

I have had the love of writing since I was in the 9th grade.  It was probably planted in me before then,  but 9th grade was when I discovered I was a natural at writing.  I remember sitting in my Spanish class and writing a poem in 20 minutes off the top of my head.   Since then, I have been writing and have probably over 50 notebooks and journals I used to scribble my inspired writings and “promptings of thought” as I like to call it.   My mind races 100 miles a minute – I am always thinking of what to write about and often times, the thoughts dissipates quickly because I get distracted and forget what entered my mind, so to combat this, I keep my recorder with me and notebooks everywhere so when I am prompted, I am ready to write.

In my quest to becoming what God has pre-destined me to be, I have come to realize that I can write in all of the journals or notebooks I want,  but what good is it if the world has not been graced with being exposed to my writing abilities?  I might as well have a perpetual cramp in my hand that prevents me from writing at all if that’s the case, because it’s as if I am doing nothing at all with my GIFT – “God’s Intent for me to Fulfill my Talents”.

Throughout my years of limiting my GIFT, I realize I have allowed FEAR to have residence too long. FEAR rears its ugly face in my life quite often.  My acronym for FEAR is: “Forfeiting Efforts and Altering Reality”.   This means we have the power to delay the possibility of progressing our abilities, which alters reality with thoughts of doubt, and thought limitations.  The reality is, we have it in us to be what we are through fulfilling our passions, goals and dreams.  But we alter reality when we don’t have faith or belief.  My fears of writing were: “What if I’m rejected, or I’m not as good as other established and successful authors, or people will criticize my writing, or I don’t like speaking in front of crowds because I get nervous,” or so on and so on.   Yes, all of these fears are valid but so what?  I have come to the conclusion I have nothing to lose if I don’t try and everything to gain if I do try and succeed. 

I have a total of three writing projects I have been working on intermittently for the last few years and have not finished one.   I have challenged myself to complete my 1st and 2nd writing projects and have set a deadline for myself because I need to follow through.  The idea for my 3rd project, my biggest project,  was birthed 6 years ago, literally in an instant from an observation I made.  The idea was to write a fictional story based on the theme of racism, which is alive and thriving in our country.  The subject is near and dear to my heart because I have always been intrigued with the dynamics surrounding race and the history of slavery.

The book will bring a different prospectives and interesting spins to the subject of racism that does not come from an evil place.  Weaved into the story will be racism from my eyes and from my own personal experiences and observations that only I can write about.  I am going forth in pouring my thoughts onto paper and bringing to life the idea that God downloaded into me.  This was my true Independence Day, which is the day I accepted the challenge to continue doing what I love to do and let nothing stop my dream from being fulfilled and manifested!

As we go forward and celebrate Independence day each and every year, I challenge everyone to realize that true Independence and freedom is when we discover and tap in to our God-given gifs and talents that flames the fire to our passions, and learn to utilize them to make a difference in this world.  Romans 12:6 says: “God has given us the ability to do certain things well”.  We need to embrace that and not forget it.  True independence is discovering no person, no job, or anything can take from you what God has given.    Believing and knowing you can create your own personal independence is when you will truly be free.   When you have discovered GIFT, celebrate your own Independence Day and put your plan in motion to release no longer hinder the progression of your dreams!

True Independence.

Respectfully submitted by,

Joanna Jones

Joanna Jones  is a writer, and the CEO – Creative  and Empowered Owner of So Grammarous, a full-service writing firm, specializing in editing, ghostwriting and resume writing services.  She also has a blog called Posidipity which specializes on focusing on what’s good in our world and  interviewing positive and dynamic people in our community.    She will be publishing her first book – Mindset Makeover – 21 Day Challenge and launching her Podcast in 2017. Professionally, Joanna is a Contracting Officer for the Federal Government since 2003.  She is a dedicated wife of 14 years,  and mother of 2 adult children, and has one grandchild.   In her spare time, she loves meditating and spending time with the Lord, enjoying time with family, studying naturopathic medicine, playing with her dog and of course writing!   One of Joanna’s favorite bible verses is:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1



  1. Tammee November 19, 2016 at 8:19 am

    So happy you are walking in your gift. Fear has reared its ugly head enough and now you have dismissed him(fear) and you are in your season.

    Love you sis, you are my inspiration.

  2. Toya Poplar November 19, 2016 at 8:40 am


    Thanks so much for sharing. You definitely encouraged me to use my GIFT this morning and keep writing! Blessings to you as you walk in true independence and encourage others to do the same!


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