“A MARVELous Ending” by April Boddie


My humble advice is this – every morning from here on out when it’s time to get dressed for your day/scene always pick a costume. Trust me you have no idea the stunts you will pull in the name of Jesus nor how The Father will use you to swoop in and save somebody’s day. Whatever role will be chosen for you will be lights, camera, action, and discipline ready.

For all my Marvel fans, skip the next sentence. As for everyone else, listen.
Always stay until after the credits roll at end of any marvel movie. 

There are many benefits of the extended stay: 

  • You avoid the movie sprinters. They are so busy getting their coats on that they miss very important clues at the end. Trust me it’s not worth it. These people are ready-set-go, super serious about leaving, so let them.  
  • You have an opportunity to see who shot, wrote, directed, and did costumes for the film. Knowing whose mind it came from helps you see it in 3D. 
  • I’m sure that in at least one scene you’ve wondered who sung a particular song. Well, guess what? If you sit there long enough, this too shall pass (pun intended).

And then when it’s all said and done, there it is! It’s another scene. It’s gonna be a sequel to the movie. That was not the real end. Right before your eyes is a little snippet. Just enough to lead your mind to next. 
Who’s next? 
What’s next? 
As a fan you walk away with pure expectation in your MARVELous souls. 

Where are you today in this motion picture that we call life? I know that some are sitting at what you see and feel is the end. Some of your most cherished people have died, life has taken an unexpected twist, you lost something dear to you, or some unsavory characters have appeared on the set and in your scene! You were just not expecting this ending. This is not at all a “Happily Ever After“.

Sit there for a minute. Gather your things and your thoughts. Don’t sprint or you’ll miss vital hints and details that Jesus, God, and the Holy Sprint are revealing about your next. Get into God’s Word, pray, and wait for the credits to roll. Your eyes will begin to see God:

Written By – God 
The Executive Producer – Jesus/Holy Spirit
Editing Specialist – God
Scene Director – God
Lighting Engineer – God
All Songs From Soundtrack – God
Costumes – April Boddie (Child of God)

God is the producer of your life. Romans 11:36 (ESV) says, “For of him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” Godhead three in one, Father, Spirit, and Son will never leave nor forsake you. You are never alone. Those scenes that have smoothly played were provisions from the Father. Every incident/scene that was cut short or deleted was because of God. The producer of your life did not need it to tell your story nor his story of redemption. He is the author, editor, and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). 

The Father has arranged every angle to highlight you, your talents, and your best features. The word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalms 119:105). Before you spoke a word, child, God was singing over you. The devil might know your genre, but God knows YOUR song, the rhythm of your heartbeat, and the number of hairs on your head.You are so recklessly loved.

There is another chapter, there is another situation altogether, and there is a sequel. God has shown you, all along, little snippets. Please bend your ear and your way to the spirit. 

Listen, move rationally, then sit back, and watch the credits roll. Yes, it might very well be “The End” and that’s ok. The best end to come to is the end of yourself because God is there. We must decrease for him to increase.
Through the blood, you can walk away with a pure expectation of what is next?  
Who is next? 
Where to next? 

With God as your producer, Jesus as your leading man, and the Holy Spirit as your sound engineer, your ending will be nothing short of MARVELous.

Spoiler alert Christians – your sequel is heaven.
God has already prepared your place, my place, our place.
Now that, my friends, is a true “Happily Ever After”.

Father God, I pray that every soul that is taking the time to read this knows it’s not over until You say it’s over. May they see that at the end of them is the beginning of You. God, You are the God of hills and valleys, so in our highs and lows, please let us remember that You created them both. Thank You, Father, for the ultimate sequel.
In Jesus Name, 

About the author ~ April Boddie

April is a Huntsville native, who is a mother of three and mama to many. When she was a little girl she wanted to be a race car driver. Now she races around the Tennessee Valley catering to others needs. The joy of the Lord is her strength, and His grace abounds in her life. April’s hope is in Christ and her heart is to serve and love. On any given day you might find her repotting plants, preparing meals and making old things new. April has a love for words and melodies. An undiscovered comedian, she finds the joy of laughter in the darkest of circumstances. Her favorite quote is “If you don’t like something change it and if you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Dr. Maya Angelou



  1. Toni Buxbaum March 14, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    You are an inspiration and I wish you were a part of my world!! You would bring much needed joy to this heart!!!
    I wish you all the peace and happiness God will surely bless you with!!
    You are a warrior!!!

  2. Kimberly Briggs Hughes March 23, 2019 at 5:59 am

    I love this!! #warrior #marvelous #theend


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