“A Prayer for Creatives” by April Boddie


Father, You are the most Creative Creator of all! Thank You for Your intricate blueprint. Thank You for all of the divine, distinct details that You put into each of Your creations.

Thank You for every shade of skin, nose shape, hair texture, for the different sounds of voices, for every species of insect and animal, for the beauty of every tree, shrub, and bush, for the hues and varieties of flowers, for the colors and flavors of fruit and vegetables, for the serenity of the setting of the moon, and the vibrant hope in every sunrise.

Thank You for the range of sounds from the ocean to the rain to the wind to the mighty roar of the thunder. Thank You for the creativity that You have placed in our hands, Father God. What a responsibility! May we use it all to serve You, Your kingdom, and Your people.

May we never bury our talents with worldly things like drugs, money, followers, or fame.

Father, bless Your photographers with crisp images, beautiful backdrops, and stunning subjects.

Bless Your marketing artists with never-before-seen content and gogo gadget reach.

Bless Your writes with clear minds, rich words, and profound revelation of You as well as themselves. May their pens run.

Bless Your painters with perfectly blended color, angelic strokes, and unique reasons to paint.

Bless Your graphic artists with intricate ideas and designs that have yet to be seen.

Bless Your singers with songs to sing for those who are face to face with a storm.

Bless Your architects with 18th Century craftsmanship and individuality in design.

Protect the fingers of Your carpenters, tile workers, painters, cabinet makers, and sheetrock artists. Lord, bless them with respect and gainful employment.

Father, bless Your chefs. May they speak the language of love fluently with every dish they serve. Bless every spice, every bite, every plate to Your glory.

Lord, the gift of creativity is such a gift and a burden, so I pray that all creatives who are heavy-laden will always come to You for rest.

Keep us all from the curse of comparison. Give us the heart to celebrate and support our fellow creatives, both in and outside the faith.

May we use our creative avenues to make You known.

Thank You for leaving us with Your Holy Spirit as our Personal Creative Assistant. May we always consult with the Spirit before calling anything that we create “done”.

It is in the Name of Jesus that I offer this prayer.

~ Written by April Boddie ~

April is a Huntsville native, who is a mother of three and a mama to many. When she was a little girl she wanted to be a race car driver. Now she races around the Tennessee Valley catering to others’ needs. The joy of the Lord is her strength, and His grace abounds in her life. April’s hope is in Christ and her heart is to serve and love. On any given day you might find her repotting plants, preparing meals and making old things new. April has a love for words and melodies. An undiscovered comedian, she finds the joy of laughter in the darkest of circumstances. Her favorite quote is “If you don’t like something, change it; and if you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Dr. Maya Angelou.


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