“At the Feet of Jesus” by Rosemary New


This testimony is an update to Qevonte’s story first shared here.

The first week of June, my son Qevonte spent 5 days in the Neuro ICU. Leading up to this, he was experiencing tremendous pain, headaches, and moments when he would become completely unresponsive,  resembling seizure-like activity. The first time that his unresponsiveness became known to us, the paramedics were called, and by the time they arrived, he was responsive again. They said his vitals were good and dismissed it being a seizure. Because he had recently completed a round of radiation due to the tumors on his spine, we also thought this to be a possible side effect.

The following week, I was trying to contact his doctor because something was still very unsettling to not know or understand what was happening or causing him to become unresponsive. Following that particular episode, his pupils became uneven, and he began to have double vision. Though doctors had scheduled him an MRI that following week, by that Sunday I felt that I couldn’t wait any longer to know what was happening with him, so I took him to the emergency room. 

After reviewing their scans, they informed us that there was another tumor at the base of his brain blocking spinal fluid from flowing properly, so the fluid was building upon his brain which was causing the bad headaches, blackouts, etc. From  Madison Hospital to Huntsville Hospital, he was transported by ambulance to be admitted in the NICU and to be seen by a neurosurgeon. 

This news was very challenging and heavy for our family, but when I stayed focused (on Jesus) – I saw God’s hand. 

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 NIV

Upon our arrival at the hospital, the rollercoaster began. While doctors were conversing and deciding the best care for my son that week, I, along with family and friends, prayed. So many sent their love and support.  

During this time, I felt that my faith was being put on trial. After the MRI at Huntsville hospital, doctors told us that, in addition to the tumor found at the base of his brain, there were other tumors (that were unknown to us) found throughout his brain. Hearing this news felt like a boulder hitting me in my chest. But, the main focus was to get spinal fluid flowing again to stop the build upon the brain. This pressure on his brain caused various sporadic pain on the right side of his body. The first couple of days, he tossed and turned and was in excruciating pain. When he was in turmoil, my soul was in turmoil. If he was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable; if he couldn’t rest, I couldn’t rest. As he was in physical pain, I was in emotional pain. When he was sleepless, I was sleepless. As a mother experiencing the pain that comes from watching her child suffer, I began to think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. How horrible she must have felt as she watched her son suffer and die for the sins of the world. I knew it was two totally different scenarios, but in some way, it gave me comfort to think that my pain could be found and related to the scriptures through Jesus’ mother.

The neurosurgeon’s plan (along with radiologists and team of doctors) was to place a shunt in his head to provide a way for fluid to run into his stomach and ultimately relieve pressure, and immediately following more radiation a couple of weeks after discharge. By God’s grace, the surgery went well! My hopes and spirits were up!

Our family was soon informed by doctors that they believed my son only had weeks to live (according to their best-educated guess). When I first heard those words, it was like that same boulder had taken it’s best swing to completely destroy what faith and strength I had left. I cried from the depths of my soul. The pain at that moment felt unbearable. As I reached inwardly to compose my myself, I felt myself feeling for God as one standing in a dark room feeling for the light switch. I knew that I had to believe in God’s ability above all. But, I had never had to believe to this capacity, so I was looking hard for God’s leading and comfort. 

In one of the conversations I had with my pastor, she said to me, “wherever there is life, there is God.” I kept repeating this over and over the first few days. It served as my initial reminder that as long as my son had breath in his body, anything could happen! God was there because he was still full of life, and his beautiful smile spoke that with a million words! 

When my pastor came to visit my son, it was a visit I’ll never forget. Of course, we prayed and made our declarations of faith! One of the declarations she said was, “You gotta’ tell it, son!” He was exclaiming it as well, “I gotta’ tell it, Pastor!” They were both declaring that he would soon tell all that God had miraculously done for him! So, he set his expectations to live and to tell his testimony! Qevonte rededicated his life to Christ that day as well, and he wept and praised God in that hospital bed! As a mother who prays and believes that her children will love and serve God, this was monumentally the most beautiful thing I could witness. God’s presence filled the room, and we gave God praise!

After my son’s discharge from the hospital, I leaned on God and grabbed hold to the Word of God and every glimmer of hope possible. I fed that hope and positivity to all of my children like it was the very food they needed to survive. It was important to me that his siblings (my younger son and daughter) had hope and could see God in this process as well. I reminded myself of God’s promises. His word said it was His will to heal my son. It’s important when believing God for a miracle, that you surround yourself with faith-filled people and truths that support what you are believing. In the past, I had believed God many times for my son to be healed, but to believe in this season appeared more challenging than before. But, like one of my dear friends told me, all of what you fought before only trained you for what is happening now. So, I let that be my encouragement and strength! Like the lion and bear prepared David for Goliath, God had used my previous battles to prepare me for this giant! This gave me strength.

It has been a little over 2 months, and my son has already beat the odds! His physical body has been through a fight, but he has truly been strong and resilient. He is truly a strong man – a real man! I’m proud to say that I have raised such a young man. We thank God for the prayers and support of our pastor, our church family, and the body of Christ that has come together to help carry such a cross on a daily basis – literally! Those who have transported him to radiation appointments, doctor appointments, made grocery store errands, brought us a ready-to-eat meal, or gave of their time and resources – THANK YOU!!! 

Today, I rejoice because God has been good to my family! Qevonte has a God-given smile that is as bright as the sun! One day, I told Qevonte that it looked like his smile was getting brighter, and he looked at me and said, “ it comes from all the pain of going through, mama.” We both smiled at each other and nodded… as if to agree that yes, it’s been quite a journey filled with pain, challenges, and it’s many joyous moments as well.

His last scans reflected that all tumors had shrunk or were stable, which is something we rejoice over! He’s due for new scans soon, and we’re excited and full of faith! He is regaining his strength and ability to walk (it was impaired briefly due to the tumors on the spine). His spirits are up, and we are all still fighting the good fight of faith! He’s been going to physical therapy at First Step in Madison, and Dr. Farhat has been amazing for Qevonte! He’s also finishing up another set of radiation, and afterward, he plans to proceed with a natural, holistic lifestyle. I believe Qevonte’s strong will and resilient attitude comes only from God above. Praise be to God!

As his mother, I’ve laid him at the feet of Jesus, and as a result, Qevonte has been made whole.

“Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them.” Matthew 15:30 NKJV



  1. Jodi Adams August 15, 2019 at 12:26 pm

    Love you and your kiddos!! His smile radiates joy and hope!!❤️

    • Rose August 15, 2019 at 7:18 pm

      Love you Jodi and thank you for sticking by us ❤️

  2. Sandy newby August 15, 2019 at 4:06 pm

    Rosemary, the first time I met you I knew you were special. Rejoicing with you in this journey. It is amazing and what the world needs to know. We serve an awesome God.

    • Rose August 15, 2019 at 7:38 pm

      Thank you Sandy!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Crystal August 15, 2019 at 10:16 pm

    This truly has touched my soul! Rose I love you Qe keep fighting and me and the boys love you so much!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Yolanda August 16, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    Thanks,so much for sharing this story with us Q, and I met at Alorica. He and my daughter trained together and he started calling me Ma,and shared his story with me. Each time, I didn’t see him,I always kept him in prayer. He always let me know what was going on. The last time I saw him, he came over and said,Ma,I can’t deal with this anymore. I said, son do what’s best for you. He such an inspiration to others,and that radiant smile lights up a room. He’s a warrior ♥️ Forever Team Q. Ma loves you

  5. Mary A Thomas August 17, 2019 at 3:07 am

    Beautiful testimony of our Great God!!!; I love you so much!

  6. Penelope Traylor March 17, 2020 at 10:01 pm

    What an amazing and inspiring story, thanks for sharing.


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