“Lose the Battle, Win the War” by Morgan Hopper



The first time I heard a sermon on spiritual warfare I was attending Church of the Highlands for the second time as a guest. That day was a game changer!

I remember the knot in my throat when the pastor announced the topic for that Sunday in September. Whyyyy were we talking about spiritual attacks?! We’re talking like The Exorcist? WHY WAS THIS MAKING ME SO UNCOMFORTABLE?? The Devil was trying to attack me? Cool story – ignorance is bliss and I was going to play dumb for the REST of my life!

God placed me in that high school auditorium for a reason. I was meant to hear that sermon and I needed to hear that sermon during that season of my life. It might have taken me these past nine months to realize it, but I heard about spiritual warfare 2 weeks before my happiness was attacked.

I had been seeking out God, settling into a new church that I loved, getting involved with a small group. The happier I became the more I realized my happiness was being stolen. I was a walking example of Murphy’s Law, anything that could go wrong had gone WAY wrong… over and over.

You don’t have to acknowledge spiritual warfare; it’ll still find you. When your plan aligns with God’s plan, the amount of peace that will flood your soul is a feeling that can’t be put into words. You’ll finally feel like you can see God’s plan for you and joy will come in abundance! And the enemy will try to drain that from you.

It might be so small that you don’t even notice it. You might just back into someone’s car and have to tap into your savings account. You might find out your fiancé cheated on you. You might find out you have a tumor at the base of your brain. Everyone’s battle is different and everyone’s battle is equally stressful.

In these moments it is so easy to become bitter. It might even be easy to blame or question God, especially when everything was just going so well. Peace will return when you realize that your emptiness, your dread and your pain are BECAUSE you’re on the right path.

When you start to feel that everything in the world is against you, keep pushing – you’re doing something right. That’s not an easy feat, but the outcome will be well worth it.

I would rather be the girl that makes the Devil say, “Oh, snap” when my feet hit the floor in the morning, than the girl who allows trouble to rock her faith.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

Author: Morgan Hopper


Morgan is a Huntsville native who loves Jesus, rescue dogs and anything literary. She enjoys sharing about her walk with God and speaking life to everyone she meets. Morgan works for Fleet Feet Huntsville as a marketing director, which blends her adoration of running with her passion for helping others.

Keep up with Morgan on her blog, https://southernlysaid.wordpress.com .


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