“Mistakes Into Masterpieces” by April Boddie



Mistakes Into Masterpieces

And finally He said to me” My grace is enough to cover and sustain you. My power is made perfect in your weakness.” So ask me about my thorn, inquire about my weakness I will gladly go on and on – I would rather stake my claim in these and have the power of the Anointed One at home with them. (2 Corinthians 12:9 The Voice) 

For so many years I’ve deferred my dreams due to fear of failure. Fear is failure is the enemy’s Jam! I’ve heard people say that failure is NOT an option, but it is! As a matter of fact, it is inevitable. As a chef, I can’t tell you how many cakes have fallen, sauces that have burnt, or recipes that have been epic fails. The beauty of it all is with each fail I learned something not only about the food, the method, but most of all, the chef. One of the most delicious things about it is, if we use our every mistake as a point of reference, they make us better. We are not perfect! God knows this full well and offers new mercies EVERY morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

So my friends, it’s not IF you make a mistake, it’s WHEN. Confess your sin to God, ask for forgiveness, and no matter what, keep going. Regardless of the mountain top you fall from or the gutter you crawled out of, keep going. The only real mistake is to get stuck. Get up, straighten up your crown, pick up your cross and run your race. And when you do, have the courage to tell someone what God has brought you through. Boast in your weakness and how God’s strength is made perfect through it. Become the messenger that turns your mess into a power message for kingdom sake. Don’t be ashamed, because of Christ Jesus, you are a new creation. God accepts flaws, scars and all.

The world needs to see what goes on behind the curtains of Christianity. None of us are perfect, but Glory! We serve a perfect savior who would love nothing more than for you to boast in your weaknesses for his name sake.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness. If that ain’t good news, I don’t know what is. I pray that your mistakes become lessons and that your failures become blessings. Looking back I now realize some of my biggest mistakes in the kitchen have turned into pure culinary GOLD. Magical Deliciousness. Masterpieces!


Lord thank you for the Truth. Thank you for every up and down that you have allowed us to go through. Thank you being a burden bearer, shelter, father, a hem in every broken heart. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for loving us. Please give us the ability to change, Lord. Father God, please Grant us the wisdom to know when to enter and when to exit. Father, let us not burn bridges. Keep us off the island of selfishness. Show us how to love and be true. Give us the strength to get up when we fall. Give us a repentant heart and a desire to apologize when we are in the wrong. Father, grant us the courage and ability to start over and over and over. Help us to learn from not only our own mistakes, but the mistakes of our family and friends. I plead the blood over generational curses. I rebuke the evil plans of the enemy in Jesus’ name. Give us clarity and understanding of the word. Show us daily how to apply it to our everyday walk. Lord, I ask for a bold faith among your believers. I pray that You will give us transparency. Give us a voice that can be heard by wounded. Lord, break our hearts for those who are being led by flesh. May your love radiate from our every action and pursuit. Lord grant us peace under pressure. Bless our pallets so that we can taste and see Lord that you are so good.
In Jesus Name.

About the Author ~ April Boddie


April is a Huntsville native, who is a mother of three and a mama to many. When she was a little girl she wanted to be a race car driver. Now she races around the Tennessee Valley catering to others needs. The joy of the Lord is her strength, and His grace abounds in her life. April’s hope is in Christ and her heart is to serve and love. On any given day you might find her repotting plants, preparing meals and making old things new. April has a love for words and melodies. An undiscovered comedian, she finds the joy of laughter in the darkest of circumstances. Her favorite quote is “If you don’t like something change it and if you can’t change it,  change your attitude.” Dr. Maya Angelou



  1. Anthony Bush April 13, 2016 at 5:18 am

    I pray your mistakes become lessons and your failures blessings- Amen!

  2. Debbie April 13, 2016 at 6:59 am

    Beautiful story and reminder.

  3. may Patterson April 13, 2016 at 7:42 am

    Mistakes do make us better (and I’ve made plenty in the kitchen). Thanks for sharing your “food” with our souls April!

  4. Katie Taylor April 13, 2016 at 8:32 am

    Amen April! Thank you for sharing your gifts of cooking and writing! Thankful for the masterpieces we are in Christ and this reminder of Truth!

  5. Toya April 13, 2016 at 10:05 am

    One of my favorite wordsmiths on the planet. I’m elated to watch you walk in your calling. You betta write!!! “I pray that your mistakes become become lessons and your failures blessings.” Such a drop the mic moment. #bars

  6. Judy Webb April 13, 2016 at 10:05 am

    Thank you, April. This is such a great reminder to walk courageously and just do the thing God is asking us to do, trusting that in success or in failure, He has our hearts and lives in His hand. All for His Glory!

  7. Beverly Jones-Durr April 13, 2016 at 10:11 am

    April, as I am introduced more to the Sistah Woman you are I yearn to know more. Your light is visible even in a brightly lit room. God says, this Sistah Woman who has appeared on my journey has been intentionally placed. I look forward to discovering the lessons we share and learn together.

  8. Chad boddie April 13, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    That is a great saying about mistakes we all have made but the one thing is learning from them


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