Prayers for Our City: April 27, 2020 – Church


“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.” Habakkuk 2:14 NLT

We can’t even imagine what the fulfillment of this Scripture will look like, Father God, but we pray and long for that day! We realize in our current circumstances just how connected our globe really is. We praise You and thank You for the technology that is sending the Gospel message out to the world and for the thousands of individuals who have received Your glorious gift of salvation through Jesus from every corner of the globe in recent weeks!

Thank you, Father, that Presidents of our nation have often called America to days of prayer and fasting, and that our National Day of Prayer is established by law. (Established as an annual event in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.)

This week as we focus on preparing for our National Day of Prayer on May 7, we realize it’s not going to be observed with large gatherings out on Courthouse steps or in our church buildings. But our current awareness of the need to come before You in prayer, Lord, is going to make the 2020 National Day of Prayer observance as special and strategic as this year’s Passover and Easter observances were — praying/worshipping from our homes with urgency and passion as we fast from being with others and doing so many things!

Father, our nation is being confronted with our need to repent of placing so many things is being confronted with our need to repent of placing so many things above You. We are being humbled and realize anew how dependent we are on You for everything (even our next breath). As the Body of Christ in Huntsville/Madison County, we confess our need to return to our first love of You and to seek You to free us from false self-sufficiency; just like the churches You reproved in Revelation 2 & 3. Only You can provide us with true riches of righteousness, purity, faith tested by trials, and healed undivided hearts.

Glorious Lord, we pray for Your glory and mercy to blanket our nation (and the whole earth). Give great favor, attention, and attraction to the National Day of Prayer events that will unite the Body of Christ as we cry out to You on May 7, 2020 (and every day).

Ways to observe the 2020 National Day of Prayer

  1. Our Huntsville/Madison County NDP observance will be a live streaming event at 12 noon on Thursday, May 7.
  2. On National Day of Prayer, commit to going out as a family or with a prayer partner to places that represent each of the 7 Mountains (centers of influence) in Huntsville/Madison County to pray within sight (ie. at a school, business, church, media outlet, center for arts, government office, and an agency that helps our families). Make it fun for kids and young people!
  3. Watch the National observance in Washington, D.C. which will be broadcast from 7-9 pm CDT (see flier above).
  4. Use this 8-day family devotional plan leading up to the National Day of Prayer. (Start on Wednesday, April 29) Watch this video of a family demonstrating their Bible time together.
  5. Be watching for an invite to participate in a Bible Reading Marathon for May 7.
  6. If you know of any other observances, please let us know at

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT


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