Prayers for Our City: November 19, 2018 – Thanksgiving


“Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
I Thessalonians 5:17-18 NLT

“Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20 NIV

So very thankful for each of you who pray for Huntsville/Madison County, as together we cover each of the “mountains” of culture. May the Lord abundantly bless YOU in the area of faith, prayer, health, and family unity.

Take some prayer time this week to focus on thanking God for each aspect of our community’s life; especially the mountains you are currently called to influence!

Thank You, Lord, for the Church (Religion) Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for ______________ (your church).
Thank You for the Body of Christ who love You in Huntsville/Madison County. Thank You that Your love shines so clearly through Your Body that all the other mountains of culture are impacted. We are a city on a hill for You! Matthew 5:14

Thank You, Lord, for the Family Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for my family, for the families I know and love in this city, for all the families in my neighborhood, and for the families who are struggling. Thank You for peace, reconciliation and spiritual growth in love and unity for our families. Ephesians 2:14

Thank You, Lord, for the Government Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for all our public servants. Thank You for our city council, county commission, law enforcement, first responders, and all who work to keep Huntsville/Madison County protected, clean, peaceful, and thriving. Thank You that Your rule of justice and mercy are demonstrated here. Micah 6:8

Thank You, Lord, for the Education Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for ______________ (your school) and for all the schools included in Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County School Systems. Thank You for our three superintendents, their Boards and for every educator. (Thank Him for the teachers you know by name.) Thank You, Father, that the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and the fear of the Lord is released into our education system. Isaiah 11:2

Thank You, Lord, for the Business Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for all the hard working people of Huntsville/Madison County. Thank You for the multitude of opportunities You have provided here for making a living, from the food truck vendors to the cancer research scientists. Thank You for Your favor that rests upon our economic sector. Establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17

Thank You, Lord, for the Media Mountain:

Thank You, Lord, for all the media outlets that are impacting Huntsville/Madison County. Thank You for ______________ (the local sources that you turn to to stay informed.) Thank You that as we pray, speaking the truth in love pervades our Media.
Ephesians 4:15

Thank You, Lord, for the Arts & Entertainment Mountain

Thank You, Lord, for our beautiful city and region where You have placed so many artistic people. Thank You for ___________ (the artists you appreciate). Thank You that our God-given talents and abilities here in Huntsville/Madison County bring glory to You, our Creator. Rev. 4:11


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