Territory Takers


Territory Takers

Author~Robin Minton



“Arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them – the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you.” (Joshua 1:2-3 NKJ)


Walking with Jesus is not passive work, confined to Sunday mornings, Bible studies or prayer meetings at church. It is a relentless work of pressing on, step by faithful, prayerful, obedient step, through false boundaries, unauthorized borders and wrongly defended strongholds (mental, emotional, spiritual and physical), every minute of every day, wherever we are. We live in enemy occupied territory, but not because the world is bad. The world is created by God…GOOD…but, occupied by His enemy, who is BAD.

The privilege of the follower of Jesus is to partner with God in taking back what belongs to Him. By walking as children of light in very dark places, we demonstrate inextinguishable hope in Jesus who has told us, “It is finished.” We shine Christ’s light for the “prisoners of war” around us, revealing the Kingdom of God at work, and illuminating the path to freedom in Christ, so they can discover their own territory-taking assignments.

The Israelites were rescued by God from Egyptian slavery. They were led by Moses (a territory taker), through the Red Sea, as they fled from the enemy. They spent 40 years in the wilderness learning how to leave the old ways of Egypt and slave-mindedness behind, and to depend on God alone as Master and provider. Joshua learned, by watching their rebellious struggles, that the best way forward is absolute abandon to the ways of God. And, then God said, “Get up, cross the Jordan, and take the land I promised your forefathers.” Once again, God’s people went walking through an impossible barrier (“the waters”), but this time, not in flight, but in pursuit of the enemy. Their courageous faith and obedience, melted the heart and crushed the spirit of the enemy. (Josh.5:1)


How did God’s people take the land? He commanded them to march around the city.  Six times in six days, seven times on the seventh, they did nothing but march out their obedience to God. Our own walk of faith can be long and exhausting, seemingly circuitous and unproductive. It can invite mockery and ridicule. But, it strikes terror in the heart of our enemy, because our obedience by faith proclaims God’s promise that He will deliver the land. He has already done the hard part. The territory has already been taken. The walls are going to fall. So, “be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NKJ) March on!



Thank you, Lord, that a promise from you is, by nature, guaranteed, and as good as done. Yet, you invite us to participate in the working out of your amazing, victorious promises! Strengthen us in the knowledge of your Word. Teach us how to hear your instructions. Show us the work we are to do for your glory. Empower us, by your Holy Spirit, to participate in the advancement of your Kingdom by declaring truth and loving others with the love of Christ, fully expecting the walls of opposition to give way under the weight of your glory and sovereignty.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

 Reflection Questions

1) What is the territory the Lord has assigned you to work for the advancement of His Kingdom?

(If you aren’t sure, think about the places the “sole of your foot treads” regularly. Consider your spheres of God-given authority or influence.)


2) What are some ways you can stand up, by faith, against the obstacles and barriers you face there by demonstrating the light of Christ in that territory?

 Treasure Hunt

2 Kings 6:15-23 (meditate on v.16)

John 20:19-31 (meditate on v.21)

Acts 1:8, 4:13-31 (meditate on Acts 1:8)

 Faith in Action

This week, will you consider driving, biking or walking the perimeter of your neighborhood (or walking the rooms of your home) asking God to claim that territory for His purpose and glory? Expect Him to show you ways, throughout the week, to participate in His work there by blessing, serving, and loving in creative, Christ-like ways. Step out in faith and obedience. Expect to see His Kingdom come and His will being done in new ways where you live.

Contributor~Robin Minton

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Robin learned, 28 years ago, the difference between knowing Jesus as Savior and abandoning her life to Him as Lord, at which time the burden of striving to please God and man was laid at His feet. She has been running with abandon the adventurous life in Christ ever since. Robin is a Bible teacher, but only because she is a passionate exhorter. Her greatest desire is that the lightbulb go off in others as they recognize Jesus, experience the power of His Word and choose to join her on this amazing journey, following Him. Robin is grateful every day to be married to God’s man, Lyle Minton, and to be the mother of their four children. She is active in Rivertree Church where she teaches in the Women’s Ministry. She is Area Director for Community Bible Study in North Alabama, shepherding the Teaching Directors of the CBS Women’s Day Classes of Huntsville, Decatur and Florence. Robin would rather be known as a learner than a teacher, and a sheep than a shepherd. She knows full well that God has assigned her to teach and lead only because this is the ideal place for her to learn from and be humbled by His Spirit and Word and the ones He gathers around her in that calling.


One Comment

  1. Eunice Ransome-Kuti August 17, 2017 at 5:05 pm

    Pls will like to keep in contact.


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