“Wanderlust or Committed Trust” by Kelly Wilson Mize



Wanderlust or Committed Trust?

by Kelly Wilson Mize

Certain words have the power to make or break my day. Six little syllables, coming from the mouth of my husband, have the capacity to send me into a semi-nauseous, hyperventilating state. They are not tragic or earth shattering, or even worth mentioning in the grand scheme of life, but hearing them spoken aloud makes me cringe for reasons I don’t fully understand. The five words make up a loaded sentence:  I’m going out of town.

When my kids were small, with no family locally, it was just plain hard. I have the utmost admiration for single parents and military spouses who run a household alone on a daily basis. My children are teens now, and while most things are much easier, there are still challenges to overcome when I’m parenting solo.

Sure, I miss my husband when he’s gone, but I’m never afraid to be alone or incapable of carrying on the daily schedule. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I have another, much more selfish reason to bristle up at the news of his departure. The announcement sparks a predictable downward spiral in my mood. Because I am–well, for lack of a better word, jealous. Because for a day, a week, or longer, my husband is given an opportunity to escape the norm, experience a change of scenery, fend only for himself, and do really IMPORTANT things–all while I am “stuck” here at home being plain old boring me.

I know my feelings are immature and irrational, and I know my spouse works hard. His business trips are paid for by employers who value his ability. He has traveled many places: beautiful islands, sandy deserts, mountain ranges, big cities, and small towns. It doesn’t matter where. Every time he tells me he’s going away (anywhere!), my inner-bratty-child screams out,

But, wait! I want to go! What about ME?

Don’t get me wrong, my life is an honest-to-goodness dream come true, and I am incredibly thankful for all that I have. But I must admit, somewhere deep inside, I often wonder what I am missing…

I have always been restless; wanderlust is a close friend of mine. For as long as I can remember, when I look up and see a plane in the sky, I imagine where the people on board could be going. A family reunion? A mission trip? A fun vacation to a tropical beach? Perfect social media posts with pictures of smiling faces in grand locations make me sinfully envious. Traveling for business or pleasure? Yes, please.

The enemy uses my weaknesses to his advantage. He taunts,

Look how much fun everyone else is having!

See the important things they are doing with their lives?

You. Are. Missing. Out.

Suddenly, I am convinced that my (wonderful!)  life is somehow dull and insignificant. My head knows this is a vicious lie from the pit of hell, but I fall for it every time. The human mind is easily deceived, and mine seems especially susceptible.

Because the very opposite is true. God’s word promises that when I align myself with HIS perfect will (through prayer and the study of His word), I am in exactly the place I was meant to be. Romans 12:2 says:

… let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (NLT)

I sometimes think about Jesus’ disciples. They must have been feeling pretty good about themselves, hanging out with the Son of God on a daily basis, and then…BAM! He tells them he is going away. It had been explained to them, though they didn’t fully understand, that Jesus was going to do something more meaningful than ever before, to go to a place they were not allowed to go.

If given the choice, I wonder if they would have wanted to go with Him on that profoundly significant journey, rather than being left behind to endure the day-to-day. Regardless of what they may or may not have wanted, it was not meant for them to go with Jesus, not yet. They were to stay put, and by doing so, became an invaluable part of our Christian history!

Is there a situation that is causing you to feel like you’re “missing out” or left behind? Maybe you are a single parent, a primary caretaker, dissatisfied with your marriage, or struggling financially. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of taking a mission trip but circumstances have not allowed it. The world seems to be passing you by…

Remember, God can use you exactly where you are today, even if you feel left out of excitement that seems to be occurring all around you. Whether it’s traveling around the world or “holding down the fort” at home, changing diapers, driving carpool, running a business, or encouraging a friend who is hurting.

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.

    I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

That verse is clear. It says the best pathway, not one that is adequate, or “good enough,” but the BEST. It doesn’t take a business agenda, a plane ride, or beautiful scenery to validate your purpose. Your participation is requested and valued, and the trip is fully paid for–with the blood of Jesus. What’s more, that paid trip also includes an all-inclusive eternity in paradise. Wow!

Where will you go today? Whatever your destination, rest in the knowledge that you’ve been blessed with the unique gifts needed to complete the assignment you’ve been given, whether that mission is around the world or in your backyard. You are not missing out. You have the potential to be used mightily.  And you just never know where you’ll be sent next.

I don’t know about you, but I’m personally hoping for Hawaii.

Written by ~

Head Shot-Kelly Wilson Mize

Kelly Wilson Mize considers it a personal, God-given mission to encourage others with words. She is a wife, mother of two teenagers, librarian at Westminster Christian Academy, and freelance writer who has lived in the Huntsville area for over twenty years.  Kelly has a master’s degree in elementary education, and over a decade of teaching experience in both private and public schools. She also has a variety of published writing experience including numerous articles and interviews, various curriculum projects, hundreds of devotions for both children and adults, and contributions to six books. Kelly’s credits include LifeWay Christian Resources, Focus on the Family, Adams Media, and Group Publishing. In addition, Kelly is an approved editor for the Christian Editor Connection network. Visit Kelly’s author page: Follow her on Twitter @kellywilsonmize.


One Comment

  1. Cyndi November 23, 2016 at 4:02 pm

    I so identify with the feeling of “missing out” many times! Although not because my hubs travels for business, the enemy still knows he can throw that dart and, more times than I’d like, be successful. Thanks for the reminder, Kelly!


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